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Oneline Interpreters

There are many online LISP interpreters available on the Internet. The one that ACSL uses for testing its programs is CLISP that is accessible from JDoodle. This interpreter is nice because it is quite peppy in running programs, and functions are not case sensitive. So, (CAR (CDR x)) is legal as is (car (cdr x)) One drawback of this interpreter is the print function changes lowercase input into uppercase.

Video Resources

The following YouTube videos show ACSL students and advisors working out some ACSL problems that have appeared in previous contests. Some of the videos contain ads; ACSL is not responsible for the ads and does not receive compensation in any form for those ads.

LISP very gentle intro (CalculusNguyenify)

A very gentle introduction to the LISP category, covering the LISP syntax and the basic operators, SETQ, ADD, SUB, MULT, and DIV.

LISP Basics (for ACSL) (Tangerine Code)

Explains the LISP operators CAR, CDR, and REVERSE, in the context of solving an ACSL All-Star Contest problem.

LISP Basics (for ACSL) (Tangerine Code)

Completes the problem that was started in the above video.